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Leticia Hinojosa Leticia Hinojosa

Pandemic Funding Creates New Housing Options To Fight Homelessness In Fresno

Katherine Miranda stands outside Fresno’s Crossroads Village housing complex overlooking Blackstone Avenue. She just moved here about a month ago. Before that, she was on the streets for nine years. Her first night in her new room was so quiet, she says.

“The first night I couldn't sleep because we were so used to the train,” she laughs. “But I mean, it’s wonderful,” she says.

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Leticia Hinojosa Leticia Hinojosa

Fresno's seedy motels along Highway 99 turned into housing units for homeless families

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- Some Fresno families dealing with homelessness due to the pandemic have been able to move into newly renovated housing units.

No longer can people rent rooms along Motel Drive by the hour.

The city of Fresno bought four blighted motels along Highway 99 to help families and individuals dealing with a housing crisis.

The motels being used were long part of the city's seedy past.

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Leticia Hinojosa Leticia Hinojosa

Smuggler's Inn transformed into homeless housing in Fresno

FRESNO, Calif. (FOX26) — A Fresno hotel has now been renovated into a thriving community of affordable housing for people who are homeless.

The Smuggler's Inn has been renamed Crossroads Village, and now serves as a 165-unit housing project providing affordable housing for local individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Katie Wilbur is the Executive Director of RH Community Builders, a Central Valley organization focused on ending homelessness.

“This is not just housing, we do provide on-site case management both through RH Community Builders and many of our community partners,” explained Wilbu

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