Coordinated Entry System
What is Coordinated Entry?
Coordinated Entry System is a HUD mandated process designed to ensure that all people experiencing a housing crisis have fair and equal access and are quickly identified, assessed for, referred, and connected to housing and assistance based on their strengths and needs. The coordinated process can help communities to prioritize assistance based on vulnerability and severity of service needs so that those who are in need of assistance the most can access it in a timely manner. People experiencing homelessness are matched to housing based on their level of need and preferences. It connects the community's network of homeless services and housing resources while streamlining and coordinating the access, assessment, prioritization, and referral process.
1. Access – the initial engagement point (virtual or site-based, including multiple access sites) for persons experiencing a housing crisis.
2. Assessment – process of documenting a participant’s housing needs, preferences, and vulnerability.
3. Prioritization – process of assigning level of need or vulnerability to persons seeking assistance so that housing and services can be allocated to those persons with the greatest need.
4. Referral – matching persons to available community resources, housing and services.