Funding Opportunity for Homeless Service Providers: HUD CoC NOFO Technical Assistance Workshop and Local Competition Materials

On Tuesday, September 7th, 2021 the Fresno Madera Continuum of Care (CoC) held an informational Technical Assistance (TA) Workshop for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). This Workshop provided attendees with an overview of the local application process, as well as instructions for completing the national project applications. 

The materials from the TA Workshop, including the local competition materials and scoring tools are available here.

·  Renewal Project Applicants: please utilize guidance contained in the federal TA Handbook on page 27 to begin your project applications in e-snaps. Renewal project applications are due in e-snaps on Tuesday, September 28, by 12pm PST.

·  New Project Applicants: please begin your new project applications for the local competition in PRESTO and for the federal application in e-snaps. New project applications are due in both PRESTO and e-snaps on Tuesday, September 28, by 12pm PST.

·  To obtain a PRESTO account and further instructions to apply for a new project, please fill out this contact form as soon as possible. PRESTO account login information and new project local competition instructions will be sent in response to the contact form submission. All applicants are strongly encouraged to access PRESTO and e-snaps as soon as possible.


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2019 Substantial Amendment